So, this is the new fender that had been shaped up nicely.

Side view. Should I use the over fender or shouldn't I?

And front view.

Lesson 101 : BlackBelt fender with DX headlamp will not 'ngam'. Solution? Just closed my eyes. Hehehe. Too lazy to fork out some more RM to find a set of DX fender.

How's da clearance? Less than 1cm! Jimmy surely knew what he's doing.

While he's adjusting the hood, I got a chance to sneak peek inside the turbine. Argh, I wish I knew more about the turbo.

By 4pm, most of the damaged area had been fibered. Usually, paint shop will just cement it. Jimmy said fill it with fiber first before cementing it.

I was there from 11am till 4pm. Got a lot of tips from Jimmy on how to bend your direction and controlling your hands when cementing your car. Learning process is never fun if you are learning it theoretically. But by witnessing it myself, I guess that's the best method. Doing it yourself is even better. Cant wait to try it myself soon on my damaged fender.
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