GL tail lamp. So now I have both DX and GL tail lamp.

Spanking new front and rear chrome bumper.

Plate number light for rear chrome bumper.

Cant wait for the final results of the paint job soon. And today I skip my afternoon class to get an insurance. Went to Uni Asia around 2pm, and took this number.

798! And guess the current number at that time? 690! And FOUR freakin' hours later, it was my turn and it took only 15 minutes to get the insurance! Wah, I waited for four hours just to settle 15 minutes procedure. Damn. Luckily, there is NO hassle at all and Rolla is insured for a year. Yay! And finally, Mr. JPJ can change the grant owner's name now.
And I went to PlayHouse Garage (PHG) the other day. Was thinking of making a vented hood but unfortunately, my engine bay is quite messy and too cramped, so I cant make it. Huhu. Monster Starlet in the making. One of the PHG's masterpiece.

Im getting interested with this color.

And a late birthday gift from my brothers. Taraa, a full face helmet! And it's white too!

And the awesome part is that I can remove half of the helmet. Sort of Transformers wannabe. Haha. And inside, there's a retractable visor too. More like shades design to me. Cool eh.

And some leftover photos from the drift practice the other day.
Lijet's MOVE-ing fridge. Awesome offset and hippari style.

The practise ground. I wish the tar is a bit smoother then it would be a perfect practise ground. Hehehe.

The crowds was pretty big. Most of the time, it was Din and me playing around. Kekeke. Din was having engine's trouble too this time.

Burnt spark plug is it? Hope the engine will get better soon!

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