Arrived and Hashim offered us some tires for us to finished. The tires from the two set of rims; the RS Watanabe and the Longchamp. Since Zamil's arch is smaller, I told him to use the Watanabe while me; with the Longchamp.
Stole it from Zamil's Facebook. Naisuuuuuu farking naisuuuuu. Damn Banana! Instantly increase the JDMness of Zamil's Corolla.

Rolla + Longchamp = Awesumzness damn it. My overfender is full with it.
Some more photos. Seriously I'll sell my Advan for these!
Instant awesomeness!
The wet day. From morning till late night. Pure heaven for us to enjoy. So let the fun begin!
Since today's kinda relax and I wanna take things slow and easy, got some time to record and do some recording. First video.
First time ever trying to record from this angle.
Anyway, some stickers on Rolla now. 'illest' sticker imported from UK. Thanks to Ariff Firdaus!
New addition is the 'Fresh Physics' from Nenok. Check out his creative blog here.
And the 'Speedhunters' sticker also from Ariff. Original sticker yaww.
Moving on to some more videos. Need to fix the holder ASAP for more steadier video recording after this.
And drift it till it shred.
Had a rest and the tires still usable actually. It took me four hours trying to shred the tires and I failed. Zamil failed to finish the tires too! LOL. Our lucky day I guess?
And finished my day today with dinner at Murni. With fellow classmates. Some of them staying in KL, some come for holiday. Good time, good laugh.

NEXT? Aircond! Got a super bargain deal for an aircond set and I am gonna take it tomorrow. Maybe I just need the cooling coil, but the full set was offered at a great price tag. Hopefully AE86 aircond set can be fitted into KE70. Overall cost? Less than 2++! Hahaha. That's freaking bargain!
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