DX Headlamp Trim. Good condition. Got crack a bit, but glued already. RM100 nego.
DX Koito tail lamp. Bracket and wires in superb condition. Lens had been polished. No crack. Working condition. RM200 nett.
DX body line. Had been sprayed with white undercoat. Good condition. RM80 nego
Chrome mirror. Fitted at door not fender. Everything in good condition. Just need to remove the holder that had been cut of from my car. RM70 nego.
Fender signal lamp (RM10) and bumper signal lamp (RM40). Faded but not crack.Both for RM40.
DX chrome bumper with side cap. One cap gone. Front damaged. Need some repair. Rear in superb condition for an original set. Both for RM100.
Bridgestone MY-01. 205/45/16. 2 units available. Thread around 30%-40%. RM40 for both.
Location : COD in Cheras only. Can post also as long as buyer bear the cost. Reason selling : Too many unused stuffs at home. Contact : 012 72 3345 4, Amar.
The cable plug issue finally came to an end. When I was on the way back from Damansara with Zamil the other day, the cable plug decided to go. A current leaking again.. So, I tape it up again and barely make it to home. Huhu.
So, decided to buy a new one to replace the problemo one. But.. Budget kinda limited coz wanna use money for somethin else. Hehehe. So, I opt this one..
My previous cable is NGK Power Cable. New one will cost you around RM450+. Anyway, the old one is better la for sure. I just need the coil to distributor plug only. Hehehe. So, here's the Jasma one.
So, ultimate DIY or what? Dangerous yea?
You guys know what is the problem with the Silvertop and Blacktop when it changed its layout to RWD aite? The distributor is at the back. Pfft.
Night is the best time to do something. Cooler but darker. So table lamp is my partner for the night shift. LOL. Oh, I did this around 9pm till 2am late.
The tape fried too. See the brownish color.. Hahaha. Dangerous I know..
After an hour and more, I managed to fit the four cables from spark plug to distributor BUT I failed to fit in the cable for coil to distributor! Damn damn. After checking out, I found out that the cable tip is different! Hargh~ Really WTF WTF.
Frustated, I cleaned up the catch tank.
End of Day 1!
Day 2 is today. Where I woke up early and went to the accessory shop back. Told him that the plug cannot fit. So, he also blur-blur, and he called Arospeed and inquire whether they can custom made one for me. And the answer is Yes! So, he refunded me back and I bought the Arospeed Cable Plug. And he'll send it to HQ to custom made it and will be ready by Friday I guess.
Since the day is still young, I went to local hardware store to buy some stuffs.
And plastic board. What for?
For these! Rough dimension only.
So, some rough measurement and cutting. Always remember to cut it extra from the one you need. Always make it extra so you can cut off the unused parts but enough to cover all.
After altering here and there, tape up back the cut off parts with tape.
Replaced the bushes at rocker too. Kinda hard to deal with people especially when they asked what car you use, since my engine is not meant for KE70, it makes it harder. I told them Silvertop 4A-GE, some of them don't know. Then I said Levin AE101 engine, they gave me 4A-FE items. LOL. End up they said the Silvertop 20v is called Levin 20V engine. Hahaha. Something new I learned today. I only thought that Levin is synonym with AE86 facelift. Kekekeke.
More precise cutting and shaping took place.
Final shape. Also I make a few holes to hold this air funnel. And extra tape were taped to strengthen the board from flexing.
And finally! Fit it and cable tie em up! Some stickers to make it more nicer. These stickers were from my skateboard sticker collection. Hehehe. I am an ex skateboarder.
Next, I move on to the DIY heat shield.
This one is pretty easy. Box shape only. Tape and tape to strengthen the board and preventing it from flexing.
I removed the 2nd head lamp too. For? Direct air intake. Plus, the 2nd headlamp didn't have any function so it's okay to remove it. ^^
I remove the inner glass only. The ring still need to be fitted back to make it looks nicer.
Heat shield fitted.The reason I made this is mainly because to prevent water from seeping in into the filter and cause MAF to malfunction. The other day the car became problematic after rain water got into the filter. So why not make it a cold air intake too?
Top view. Acceptable or not?
Inner view. Direct air intake to the box and air filter. Will put mesh wire to cover the holes soon.
And front view. Looks a bit weird in my opinion..
Will see how it perform later on. And I'm gonna replace the air filter too soon.
So today is the day that I finally cannot stand the petrol smell inside the car. No more! I cant stand it. So, where else, I head to Jeembo's Garage (JMG) as usual to get some treatment by their foreman. Arrived, they were working with other car, so I head to a tire shop nearby JMG. I had became their regular customer when it comes to finding tires. LOL.
Basically, I had bought all their second-hand 15' tires for this month. And I got another 2 from their last stock. Muahahaha. Good deeds helpin them clearing their shop. Kekekeke. OK, so I had tried different sizes for Rolla. My front set is using 195/50/15 coz need to clear the fender when turning, while rear size I had tried a few different sizes. From 195/60/15 used in MARDI last week and my Rolla abit tall at the back and scrapping rear arch sometimes, 195/55/15 is my usual sizes for rear, and the latest one is 185/55/15 which make it a bit 'baloon' or hippari. Since all the rims are 7j, mix and matching the sizes makes it easy for me to guess the correct size for fender clearance.
More stocks for this weekend drift. Nyum. The shop's name. Hi Speed Tyre Services Sdn Bhd. Workers are very friendly. Pricing.. Still moderate charges. Hmm hmm. Recommended if you want a friendly and fast tyre service. Tried the Oni in front. What do you guys think? I think.. Fugly. Need to be a rear set. Hehehe. So, asked them to put back my Fondmetal set for front. Thick spacer for front to counter the pussy offset. Hahaha. Back to JMG, show them the leakage. The red hose is meant for air gun. Duhh. Dunno why previous owner used it for fuel hose. Man, the foreman replaced it with used BMW fuel hose. And done! No more leakage and smell. Also, spotted this at JMG. Hmmm! 14 x 8.5 I think. This KE70 is the one I snapped few months back. Tires also special size and freakin expensive.
OK, so today I woke up reallly late. Around 4pm. Its been awhile since I have a good sleep. And today is the day I wanted to wake up late. Actually Din the Longchamp called me and woke me up. So, his car is done overhauling and he told me that they (Din and his workshop friends) are going to MAEPS today for some fun. Me, still sleepy, not excited at all coz I am saving my tires for next Saturday event. More infos coming bout next week event. Really excited to go for it next week.
Then, nothing to do at all actually, so texted Din telling him I am on my way already. Also bring up my new helmet and shoe in case someone invited me to have a shotgun ride. Arrived, Wanbra of Feinto D told me that the first 10 cars that arrived got a free entrance.
The little devil inside me told me that "WHY NOT?" Hahahaha.
Earlier, after got back from the trip, I managed to swap my rear tires with a used but good condition set of tires. Instead of me saving up for next week, I used it up today. Okay, back to my report of the day today..
Parked up my car with them, and unload all the stuffs I got inside the car. Luckily I bring along my helmet and shoes. Among the earliest we are, even though we use the same Corolla, this four Corolla is powered by four different engines!
The right one is powered by 2T engine!
The second one? SR20DE power house!
Okay we skipped mine coz basically its a mess in the engine bay, and hop on to the last one is....
Din's 'new' engine! Anyway, anyone interested to have this photo as a wallpaper? More photos of the new engine. Forgot whether the engine was fully overhauled or top overhauled. Anyhow, the work done by the mechanic is good. Really clean!
The mystery of this engine are finally revealed. Block is from GZE while the rest are Black Top stuffs. No wonder the power is different from others. Ported and the rest I forgot this time. Hehehe.
And I tested the car. Power wise... No comment. Better than mine honestly. The power is always there while mine start after 2.5k RPM. I have a lil lagg only from the turbo. Thanks to the small snail, short piping route and small inter cooler I think.
I CANT drift Din's car anymore! Despite the power is there, I cannot make it sideways and cannot hold the drift anymore. Damn. That is 'my first drift car' for a year over, but now I cannot drift it. Someone told me that the reason I cannot drift it because I am already comfortable to the turbo power from my engine, so downgrading to N/A makes me a shitty noob back! Argh, cant accept the truth. Hehehe. And, Din's using AD07 now! Wohoo. Super grippy when I tested it. Damn nice. I am thinking of getting some Falken Ziex only for next week event.
And time for me to test some dry layout of MAEPS. To me, dry layout is the hardest surface ever. Plus I dont have spare tires and I am sticking to my principe of '4k RPM is my max rev' make it much harder.
Here I am posing with Rolla. Testing out the new helmet. Gosh, the sky is so blue in the photo. Love it. See, no other cars. We are sooo early till we can go in and out of the track without the needs to queue up or wait.
Lucky number today is '5' with X mark of 'not drifting today'. Last time was 4. Supposedly I got number 4, but they gave me the form that's for no 5, so I just took it. Some shots with the track view.
To be honest, the track's surface is pretty bad now. Talked to Jane & Mike today, they also agreed with it. Most of the holes on the surface were touched up with cement. That make it slippery at one point and then rough back. Some more, the road is not level anymore. Y'all can see from my recording after this. Camera shake is equal of me bumping inside the car.
Okay, so here's my first few laps while warming up for the day. Dry layout definitely is not for me.
And sometimes, you spun. So did I. And here it is!
And then, there's a problem of the day. I cannot started the car! After 10 minutes of trying, manage to start it and bring it back to the pit. Y'all can listen to the engine's sound. Something is definitely wrong with Rolla.
Few friends tried to source and they were a great help that time. Till the sky became dark, problem still not solved. Damn, this picture is super nice. No flash, but the high ISO bonus, adequate lighting and the color really striking up. I love my 50D!
And finally, found it. The source was a loose cable plug. Damn it. So, I took some rubber tape, and they taped and sealed up the current leakage along my cable plug. And as usual, Rolla's behave like usual again!
Some night run. Anyone noticed the vibration? That's is the road condition currently. I hope they will take some action and fix the road surface back. The wearing course and binder course is damaged already. And now what's left is the road base! Pfft. Showing off some of my Civil subject knowledge. LOL.
And finally. Mike invited me for a shotgun ride in its freaking fast Goat!
Overall, Starlet is pretty quick with 4AGE compare to KE70 with 4AGE. When switching line, the KP61 did it pretty quick and responsive, but to maintain the drift, Mike kinda struggle with it. I guess that's the drawback of short wheelbase machine. Anyway again, good experience riding with others. Especially with someone that is love to share their knowledge and info like Mike!
Finally, some interior shots of the Goat. Very neat, simple and clean. Ooo I want this kind of gadgets!
Newly installed cut off switch. Nice-ness.
And that's all for today. Overall, new experience with Rolla on dry layout, some more free entrance, and Din and friends were helpful as usual, and others were nice too. Time to sleep now~